About Prof Ritu Dudhoria
- Key Highlights:
- Over 8+ years of experience in the field of Communication and Life Skills Training
- Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner (Sue Knight Accreditation)
- Certified Leadership and Life Coach (Sue Knight Accreditation)
Certified Communication Coach - Specialist in executing behavioral training programs with Skill enablement & Language enhancement
- Specialist in developing/designing programs customized to the developmental needs of the clients
- A great trainer with an impressive ability to command attention, develop confidence and bring the best
out of people regardless of their background or skill - Industries Worked With
Education, Banking, Retail, Journalism, E-commerce, NGO - Unique Programs
Neuro-linguistic Programming , Campus to corporate , Sales Training ( Meta Model and Milton Model),
Language Enhancement, , Effective Business Correspondence , Motivational training, Inter personal skills,
Networking Skills and Rapport Building, Personality Development, Early Career Leadership, Anchoring,
Customer Relationship Management, Stress management, Time Management, Conflict Handling and
Resolution, Negotiation skills, Assertive communication, Critical Thinking & decision making. - Corporate Trainings
Amazon, Ingram Micro, WSP, Writer’s Incorporation - Colleges/ Institutions Trained at
M.E.S College of Arts, Commerce and Science, MLA College, Maharani Ammani College, Vivekananda
Degree college, Christ University, Atria Institute of Technology, Presidency College, Sindhi College to name
a few - Academic Qualifications and other Significant Highlights
Master’s Degree in Business Administration ( Finance and Marketing)
- Vast Experience
- Timely Completion of Portion
- Practical Case Study
- Friendly Nature
- Comprehensive Study Material
Contact Info:
7th Cross road, Next to Sri Krishna Sweets, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003
+91-9353164696 / 8660386382
+91 8660386382