About CA Ranjay Mishra
Durgesh Singh has overall 14 years teaching experience at CA Final in Both Direct And Indirect Taxes. He is immensely popular with students for his teaching skills on The subject. With a big four background, he is currently a partner in a large CA firm with an expertise in Corporate taxation, International taxation and Indirect taxation matters. His teaching focuses on concepts in the subject of taxes and he believes in the mantra that ‘if you know why, you know how. He is the only faculty in India of repute to teach both Direct and Indirect Taxation at CA Final level. He is the only faculty to go beyond theoretical reading of the section and make students solve practice problems in the class which puts the students to ease during the examinations. As a trend, 99.9% of his students score above 40 by default in the subject and a huge majority of them score an exemption as well thanks to his approach which is simplistic for each student to follow. He can be accredited to bringing in the last day exam revision series for the students and his ABC analysis has been counted as one of the best in the country.Further he has spearheaded the launch of courses on International Taxation,transfer pricing and GST to enable students to learn their basic principle and get meaningful job in big firm and MNCs. Many of his students are well placed at senior position in big firm and MNC
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Mumbai, India