About CA Ravi Sonkhiya
He is Director and Senior Faculty of his hugely popular institute RAVI SONKHIYA CLASSES formely named as “EDUCARE” in Jaipur City. The author’s institution has gone from strength to strength over the last Fifteen years. The institute teaches more than 1,00,000 CA aspirants at all levels viz., CPT, IPCC and FINAL in a Year. This Institute has given more than 300 AIR in CA/CS/CMA exams over the years.
Apart from taking lectures for CA Final and IPCC/INTER students in Jaipur, he is visiting faculty to various institutes including “INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE FOR GIRLS” AND” INDIA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY”. His lectures on contemporary affair are regular features of the various Management Institute. He authored various books on the subject of COSTING for CA FINAL and Accounts, Advance Accounts , Cost Accounting and Financial Management for CA/CS/CMA.
Vast Experience
Timely Completion of Portion
Practical Case Study
Friendly Nature
Comprehensive Study Material
Contact Info:
Krishan Kripa II, Lower Ground, Subhash Nagar, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, India- 302023
+91 9928762810
+91 8949461215